Tense Urdu To English

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Download and LearnTense in Urdu PDF. Tenses play a big role in English grammar. Without understanding verb tenses, it is impossible to speak or write correctly. That is why I have written this verb tenses eBook in the Urdu language. In the book, you will learn, twelve tenses in details. You will learn everything about this tense using different examples and after this you will go through a practice. Urdu To English Learning books.

English Grammar In Urdu

Filhaal movie torrent download. Present Perfect Tense Urdu

Solved Exercise

  1. The army has captured the fort.

  2. They have not bought mangoes.

  3. I have done my duty.

  4. Who has seen the wind?

  5. Have they taken the examination?

  6. The rainy season has set in.

  7. He has left the village forever.

  8. Where have you kept money?

  9. Why have you resigned?

  10. The water has frozen in the lake.

  11. Where have the dacoits looted the rich man?

  12. Have you taken your breakfast before Ali came?

  13. You have never misbehaved like this before.

  14. I have already applied for the job.

  15. I have not received any letter from him for many days.

  16. I have finished my work.

  17. Has he come home before it rained?

  18. The boys have plucked the flowers before the gardener came.

  19. I have known him for the last three years.

  20. He has deceived me.

Grammar Contents

Lesson: 1 What is Noun
Lesson: 2 What is pronoun
Lesson: 3 Article
Lesson: 4 Use of These, Those, This, That
Lesson: 5 Use of There
Lesson: 6 Use of It
Lesson: 7 Use of is, am, are
Lesson: 8 Use of Was / Were
Lesson: 9 Use of Has / Have / Had
Lesson: 10 Present Indefinite Tense
Lesson: 11 Present Continuous Tense
Lesson: 12 Present Perfect Tense
Lesson: 13 Present Perfect Continuous
UrduLesson: 14 Past Indefinite Tense
Lesson: 15 Past Continuous Tense
Lesson: 16 Past Perfect Tense
Lesson: 17 Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson: 18 Future indefinite tense
Lesson: 19 Future continuous Tense
Lesson: 20 Future Perfect Tense
Lesson: 21 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Lesson: 22 Active Voice Passive Voice 1
Lesson: 23 Active Voice Passive Voice 2

Present Tense Urdu To English

Lesson: 24 Active Voice Passive Voice 3Present perfect tense urdu to english
Lesson: 25 Use of Can
Lesson: 26 Use of Could
Lesson: 27 Use of May
Lesson: 28 Use of Might
Lesson: 29 Use of Would
Lesson: 30 Use of Should
Lesson: 31 Use of Must

Present Perfect Tense Urdu To English

Lesson: 32 Use of Let
Lesson: 33 Use of a / an
Lesson: 34 Use of The
Lesson: 35 Use of have to
Lesson: 36 Use of Of
Lesson: 37 Use of Off
Lesson: 38 Use of Infinitive / To


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